



  1. unity3d开发的游戏并不多,尤其是中文游戏,开发的多数是网络游戏以及第一人称游戏,pc上的大型游戏好像只有新仙剑奇侠传OL其他的网游都是国外的多数是韩国和欧美。

  2. unity3d开发的游戏多数都是用在iphone以及android等手机端游戏。比较出名的是武士系列游戏!涂鸦保龄球,城堡勇士,3D方块贴图,以及很多僵尸游戏。境之边缘,荣誉勋章空降兵,生化奇兵,虚拟竞技场都是用它开发的。


我实习的时候 还没毕业、是3k、现在不到1年经验 是8k,1到2年工作经验能有10k到15k,3到4年、估计会是20k左右、我说的是一般的、能力强的肯定会比我说的偏高、能力差一些的比我说的偏低


Gorky once said, "a book is the ladder of the progress of mankind". Read more books and can broaden your horizons, I enjoy reading. Today, I will introduce a I like books "one thousand nights". Open the thick book, I repeatedly he looked and looked, was deeply attracted. Legend, once upon a time there was a cruel king, every day he is going to marry a wife, and then in the second day with the kill her. There is a clever girl in order to avoid such a fate, to the king in the night to tell the story. Story captivated by the king, he night night to listen to go down, and the girl's story has been told the one thousand nights. When the king heard the story of the one thousand night, fierce vice also unconsciously give up...... This is the magical "one thousand nights


国内是英宝通代理 。。应该价格是差不多的吧。。



标签: unity3d开发的游戏有哪些 unity开发的手游十大unity游戏