

而且 不出名
我记得 曾经有人和我聊过
都是 好像叫 The Final Odyssey 的即时战略游戏,有2个种,一个有是机械化的科技型的,宁外就是像星级虫族那种,如果打战役的话同时要控制2个地图。
: A Space Odyssey, the malfunctioning supercomputer HAL 9000 killed astronaut Frank Poole and set his body adrift. In 3001: The Final Odyssey, Clarke's third sequel to the 1968 novel and film, a spacecraft recovers Poole's spacesuited body, which has been perfectly preserved by the vacuum of space.
Thanks to 31st-century medical technology, Poole makes a speedy recovery. He adjusts quickly life on Earth in 3001, a world of full-immersion virtual reality, direct mind-to-computer links, intelligent dinosaurs and skyscrapers tens of thousands of miles high. But Poole grows restless and resolves to complete the mission he started 10 centuries ago: to investigate the mysterious and powerful black slab known as the Monolith.
Millions of years ago, the Monolith gave a struggling band of ape-men an evolutionary kick in the pants, sending them on the road to technology and civilization. In 2010, the Monolith transformed Jupiter into a miniature sun to nurture the developing life on the frozen Jovian moon Europa. In its only direct message to humanity, the Monolith warned humans to attempt no landings on Europa. Poole, however, hopes that an exception will be made for him, because his old shipmate Dave Bowman apparently still exists in some form within the Monolith on Europa, his mind merged with that of the debugged HAL 9000.
Profound ideas, but an average novel
The film 2001: A Space Odyssey was a cinematic milestone and perhaps the best --and most intelligent -- science fiction movie made. 2001 the novel, based on the screenplay Clarke co-wrote with director Stanley Kubrick, was merely okay. The story was really designed for film, and Clarke mapped some of the same territory more effectively in his 1953 novel Childhood's End. 2010 (made into a so-so 1984 movie) and 2061 don't rank with Clarke's best novels, but they were lively and thoughtful space adventures.
But not a whole lot happens in 3001. The slender plot serves mainly to explore what society and technology might be like in the future and to pass stern judgment on the barbarities of the modern age, including war, female genital mutilation and especially religion, which one character deems a form of mass insanity.
Yet the original 2001 used basic religious themes in science fictional form: creation, the loss of innocence that comes with knowledge, death and resurrection, and human destiny under the control of a vast and unknowable power. In 3001, the 79-year-old Clarke seems intent on dismantling his theology and putting humanity back in control. As the real 2001 approaches, Clarke will brook no millennial nonsense: gods will not save humanity, nor will aliens or even computer technology.
As philosophy, 3001 is intriguing, maybe even profound. As a novel, it's an anticlimactic end to a saga that began -- and probably should have ended -- with 2001. Still, 3001 is never less than interesting. In his long career, Clarke has written about space, technology and humanity's limitless potential with an insight and eloquence that few can rival. Even if Clarke has lost his edge as a novelist, his ideas are well worth listening to.
With a stronger ending, 3001 might make a pretty decent movie. Paging Mr. Kubrick... --Curt




电视剧中的云霆是 袁弘 饰演的






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  6. 全民超神:全民超神是一款MOBA手游,是全球首款5V5实时MOBA电竞手游。游戏以泽比拉大陆为故事发生的背景,玩家将以召唤师的角色召唤两个对立阵营的远古英雄进行战斗。在此背景下,游戏通过开创多人移动端实时竞技的全新体验,将经典的MOBA玩法落地于3V3大乱斗、5V5MOBA等模式;同时融入了英雄成长元素,设计了极具趣味性和挑战性的PVE玩法,加之技能丰富、设定饱满的海量英雄,使得PVE和PVP的核心玩法都独具个性;便捷的匹配组队,精准的走位击杀、丰富的英雄技能和精妙的策略配合,将为玩家启动手游电竞的全新时代;同时,更低的操作门槛,更丰富的游戏体验也让“电竞”真正走近玩家,让每一个玩家都拥有成为“大神”的机会!同时,高品质的美术表现、饱满的人物设定、流畅的游戏操作,完美地将端游级别的游戏体验移植移动端,随时随地开黑,随时随地超神!适用于安卓2.3以上系统。