

蒂姆·伯顿(Tim Burton),是美国电影导演,生于加利福尼亚州的伯班克


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Youth time's Timm · Bolton in studies art in the California Art academy, after obtaining Disney Corporation supports for a young animation person's scholarship, he henceforth starts officially to study and to be engaged in the animation work. initial, Timm Burton for Disney Corporation "Fox And Hunting dog" and so on mainstream television animated cartoon work, when after his splendid inspiration is approved by Disney, Disney is free for him, lets him create freely. the early time, Timm · Bolton makes two short films successively in the 80s - - "Vincent" and "the Franken Uygur Nepal", one is to horror film actor Vincent's saluting, one is "Frankenstein" child reorganization book. This kind strange and the terrorist style followed Timm · the Bolton life. Because the individuality is too intense, these the flat and thin piece which looked to the child is forever prohibited broadcasting. However, at this time, the Timm · Burton's clever horse style, the powerful and unconstrained style imagination already emitted the symptom, he has the opportunity to photograph "Big Risk", obtains the enormous success in the box office. the box office is Hollywood's pass, young Timm · Bolton becomes Hollywood's nova. Is following closely the supernatural comedy "Beetle Juice" the vanguard lets him in animation session of blooming. Is the American is too lonely, Timm · Bolton too talent? He makes his dark empire in his another movie. Although when photographs "BATMAN" with Warner Corporation makes does not gather, his movie has sold very well. But sells not the good movie, in 1994 commemorated the Hollywood legend silent film direction "Ide · Wood" has also been accepted the Cannes Film Festival and attains the best picture nomination. Timm · Bolton is dark, but he always takes to the human in darkness to hope little, probably is terminus darkness light. Cuts the sword wielder Edward facial color to be pale, because the inborn flaw can never hug the beloved girl, but these color gorgeous avenue, on the avenue house, in the house the women colorful clothing, discloses the ideal breath. But in darkest "Headless Knight", the number of people fruits and melons are chopped equally likely, the woman, the child is no exception. But Bolton does not play with the tense terror, is only endures ability to the audience to tease contentedly leisurely and carefree. Besides the leading character, all people are killed as if are do not matter, natural, also does not need you anxiously not to need you to be excited. But in the ending, Timm · Bolton has turned around, is expressing best wishes lovingly to the 21st century threshold's on audience; Did not need to propose 2003 "Big Fish", the time stopped in leading character's front, the mother hugged the father who soon withered to soak the bathtub, therefore the father turned a free fish ...




出生日期:1958年 8月25日
身高:182 厘米
婚姻状况: 妻子海伦娜•伯翰•卡特
相比他本人,他的电影里那个长着苍白阴郁哥特式的脸的Johnny Depp(约翰尼德普)则迷倒了更多的中国普通观众。他被誉为好莱坞的鬼才导演,这样的昵称是票房保证下导演所得到的特殊待遇,当今的好莱坞,能得到这样称呼的人实在是少之又少。他的电影,充满了黑色幽默的温婉和忧伤,自闭又很有张力,冷与暖的交揉,是阴森中的华丽,温暖中的残酷,黑暗中的温馨,一个非常诡异的世界。在好莱坞有一种说法,凡是喜欢他的电影的人,都是有自闭症倾向的,而这位导演本人,也似乎正是这样一个人,有人追忆,他的少年时代是在一种十分封闭的环境中长大的,是一个十分不合群的人,于是,他就有大量的时间,沉浸在自己的幻想当中,做着自己的梦,他的电影中那些稀奇古怪的玩意,其实都是他童年噩梦的延续。
蒂姆伯顿1958年出生在美国加利福尼亚州班博市,童年生活的地方就离好莱坞的几个大制片厂很近,所谓近朱者赤,近墨者黑,从小他就喜欢画画和看老电影,尤其是B级片,后来他拍摄的《Ed Wood》(1994)可以是就是拍给好莱坞B级片导演们的一部励志片。在他9岁那年,他画的一张反对乱丢垃圾的获奖海报被当地一家清洁公司看中,张贴在他们的垃圾车上有一年的时间。高中毕业后他去了加州艺术学院,这所学院当时是迪斯尼公司绘画师的一个重要来源,伯顿毕业之后也顺理成章地去了迪斯尼公司当上了一名动画师,并参与了一些传统动画片的制作。他很快发现迪斯尼公司那刻板的规则并不适合他的性格和创造力,但是迪斯尼公司赏识他的天赋,让他创作了一部动画短片《Vincent》(1982),描写了一个7岁小男孩的世界,这部片子获得了评论界的好评,但却被迪斯尼认为太过于阴暗而不适合儿童观看,因而未获准公映。后来他又创作了《Frankenweenie》(1984),这部基于弗兰肯斯坦传说改编的29分钟真人短片也因为被认为不适合儿童观看而未获公映,但当时的一个演员Paul Reubens看了这部片子后,便认定伯顿就是他的首部长片《Pee-wee's Big Adventure》(1985)的最佳导演人选,此人成了伯顿的第一个大伯乐。这部片子后来大获成功,伯顿迅速成名。接下来三年,伯顿未拍任何电影,只是拍了一些电视剧集,直到他接到《Beetle Juice》(哗鬼家族)(1988)的剧本,这部旁人眼里看来没有什么的剧本,在伯顿眼里却是充满了离奇的艺术感,他不可能拒绝。这部片子再获成功,伯顿开始被好莱坞所牢记。
后来伯顿得到了拍摄华纳公司当时根据畅销漫画改编的大投资商业电影《Batman》(蝙蝠侠)(1989)的机会。他果然没有令人失望,这部由Michael Keaton 和 Jack Nicholson主演的片子成为了当年最成功的商业电影,也创造了伯顿电影的票房记录(全美票房:1,188,924),至今他自己都未能打破,但这部片子以及随后的续集《Batman2:Batman Return》(1992)中对于好莱坞烂俗商业元素的应用,也是伯顿为人所诟病的地方,但它们仍然深深地打上了伯顿黑暗风格的烙印。

【蒂姆·伯顿(Tim Burton)的作品有哪些?介绍一下】

出生于美国洛杉矶的添布顿,早年毕业于加州艺术学院。由于擅长执导怪诞鬼怪之片,因而在好莱坞有鬼才之称。他的处女作是1985年为华纳公司执导的长篇电影《Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure》。该片获得业界人士好评,为此他也信心大增,以后便一发不可收拾,连续执导了几部卖座影片,像《蝙蝠侠》( Batman)(1989),《蝙蝠侠再战风云》(Batman Returns)(1992)。前者为新一代影迷再现和重新诠译了神秘的超级英雄形象,是华纳公司影史上票房收入最高的一部影片。他最成功的是《剪刀手爱德华》

标签: 蒂姆·波顿简介 蒂姆·波顿蒂姆伯顿传记