

越光宝盒 (2010)

导演: 刘镇伟
编剧: 刘镇伟
主演: 孙俪 / 郑中基 / 朱茵 / 梁咏琪 / 郭德纲 / 曾志伟 / 黄渤 / 谭耀文 / 钟欣潼 / 黄奕 / 蔡少芬 / 方力申 / 吴君如 / 樊少皇 / 元彪 / 邓丽欣 / 吴京 / 刘镇伟 / 钟镇涛 / 郭涛 / 连晋 / 王学兵 / 于谦 / 元秋/ 元华 / 徐娇 / 林子聪 / 李健仁 / 林雪 / 梁汉文 / 袁祥仁 / 厉娜 / 艾梦萌 / 于荣光
类型: 喜剧 / 奇幻
制片国家/地区: 中国大陆
语言: 汉语普通话 / 粤语
上映日期: 2010-03-18
片长: 86分钟
又名: Just Another Pandora's Box / Once Opon A Chinese Classic

个性莽撞的玫瑰仙子(孙俪 饰)渴望能够像紫霞仙子一样找到一世珍爱,于是从日月神灯前盗取那把曾见证旷古爱恋的紫青宝剑来到凡间,希望找到能拔剑出鞘的真命天子。山贼清一色(郑中基 饰)只想本本份份做个山贼,不料却拔出玫瑰仙子的紫青宝剑,之后俩人又意外通过越光宝盒穿越时空,亲历赤壁之战。在穿越的日子里,玫瑰仙子对于拔剑出鞘的清一色百般示爱,而一心想重新踏上穿越时空之路的清一色却对玫瑰仙子只是假意奉承,在利用玫瑰仙子从曹操(郭德纲 饰)手里夺回越光宝盒之后,他毅然弃玫瑰仙子于不顾,独自回到曾经。然而再次偶到玫瑰仙子之时,清一色却发现有一份爱早已在自己的心头生根发芽…… 




着你的去找 客服问问


Here's what you say to someone you hate
My life will be so much better if you dropped dead
I was laying in bed last night thinking
And this song just popped in my head and I though
Wouldn't shit just be a lot easier if you dropped dead (dead)
I would feel so (so) much (much) better
Think I just relapsed, this bitch pushed me over the brim
Up on the freeway tring to get some time alone and just think
Cops pulled me over but they let me cause I'm only driving drunk
Cause that bitch drove me to drink I'm back on my fuck ho's
I hate you for papayas I hate all bitches the same
Baby come on excuse the pun but bitch you're such a prod statement
And I ain't channeling my anger through every single station it's on
Cause a woman broke my heart I say Hea-art cause you ripped it in two pa-arts
And threw it in the garbage who do you think you are
Bitch guess it's time for me to get the dust off
And pick myself up off the carpet





标签: 月光宝盒穿越三国叫啥 穿越三国