

佩恩的我就不知道了,失翼天使密码就是:召唤失翼天使 专属:小夜丫头

【人畜无害 是 什么意思?详细的。。。】

Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible: He has superhuman strength and high resistance to harm, is also very resourceful and has often used his intelligence to outsmart opponents. He serves as the main protagonist of the film. Frequently reminisces about his "Glory Days". Voiced by Craig T. Nelson.
Helen Parr/Mrs. Incredible/Elastigirl: She has superhuman elasticity and plasticity. Frequently worries for her family's safety. Voiced by Holly Hunter.
Violet Parr: She has invisibility and the creation of force fields. Frequently wishes she was "normal". Voiced by Sarah Vowell.
Dash Parr: He has superhuman speed. Is a competitive fourth grader. Frequently wishes to prove that he's special. Voiced by Spencer Fox.
Jack-Jack Parr: He has various powers, such as the ability to burst into flames, pass through solid objects, teleport, defy gravity, and emit laser beams from his eyes. He can also shapeshift. Voiced by Eli Fucile and Maeve Andrews.
Lucius Best/Frozone: Best friend of Mr. Incredible. He can create ice and freeze objects by using the moisture in the air. Frequently relives the "Glory Days" with Mr. Incredible, though he is reluctant to take more direct action. Voiced by Samuel L. Jackson.
Buddy Pine/Syndrome: Mr. Incredible's number one fan, but he grows up to hate him due to the fact that Mr. Incredible wouldn't let him become his sidekick. He serves as the main antagonist of the film. Voiced by Jason Lee.
Mirage: Assistant to Syndrome. She defects shortly after Syndrome shows lack of concern for her life when Mr. Incredible threatens to crush her to death, immediately after she had pushed Syndrome out of the way, being grabbed in his place and saving his life. Voiced by Elizab Peña.
Edna Mode: Famous designer of super-suits. A little obsessed with her work. Voiced by writer/director Brad Bird. During her forced retirement from hero work, Edna hosts modeling shows for supermodels. However, deep down, Edna has a great disdain for supermodels, once describing to Bob that they are "Spoiled, stupid little stick figures with poofy lips who think only about themselves." Edna had established a "No capes" rule in her superhero costume designs for safety reasons, which proved true to Syndrome's eventual demise.




抓绕 威力40 普通物理 PP35
叫声 威力0 普通属性 技能使用成功,100%改变对方攻击-1 PP40
7级 暴击枪 威力40 火系物理 技能使用成功,一定几率令对方烧伤 PP25
10级 烟雾弥漫 威力0 普通属性 技能使用成功,100%改变对方中命-1 PP20
14级 暗之诅咒 威力0 普通属性 技能使用成功,100%改变对方防御-1 PP30
17级 龙之爪牙 威力0 龙系物理 给予对方40点固定伤害 PP10
19级 暗之爪 威力70 幽灵物理 提高暴击率 PP15(可能是不这时候学我也拿不准)
21级 龙之利爪 威力80 龙系物理 技能使用成功,一定几率令对方烧伤 PP15 (可能不是这时候学我也拿不准)
28级 火之刃 威力65 火系物理 技能使用成功,一定几率令对方烧伤或恐惧 PP15
32级 切裂之气 威力70 普通物理 提高暴击几率 PP20
36级 飞翅连击 威力60 翼系物理 PP35
40级 空气切割 威力75 翼系物理 技能使用成功,一定几率令对方恐惧 PP20(可能不是这时候学我也拿不准)
42级 火焰喷发 威力95 火系魔法 技能使用成功,一定几率令对方烧伤 PP15
47级 火焰旋涡 威力15 火系魔法 技能使用成功,100%令对方烧伤,并且2-5回合不能更换宠物PP15
59级 热力爆弹 威力100 火系物理 技能使用成功,一定几率令对方烧伤 PP5




不应该这样形容吧,,句子,看这个人表面人畜无害,实际就是内心叵测的小人, 很少见用人畜无害来夸人的

标签: 人畜无害形容男的好吗 男人克制感情的表现人畜无害的人最可怕