





31 Gaoxin Road (31号高新路)
Xi'an, Shaanxi Province (西安市陕西省-注意陕西拼写为‘Shaanxi',有两个a是为了和’山西‘Shanxi区分,因为两个省拼音都是一样的,所以惯例就是陕西委屈一点用两个A)
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Today is in the year two thousand and nine (or 2009).I have been wanted to write up a story of my own; but the problem is that I don't know where to begin, or maybe is that there are too much to say.
When the time passes by, and when we are no longer in our youth, I started to recall my memories from the pass......
Love is the main theme in life. We all hope to treasure the love that is truly belonging to ourselves, no matter that love is romantic, sad, or even just mild...Just as a fish cannot survive without water, how can we survive without love? What good would it be to regret the mistakes you made when your love is gone?
But still many people refuse to let go and hang on to their old memories. I started to question if my life is like a movie that keeps playing and playing. Love always let people see what kind of mistakes they make before they go.
How can I ever let go of the mistakes I made? How can I ever make up when it is time to say goodbye? My heart is broken like the broken glass...
奶奶滴!我翻译完你那一段你居然关闭问题!!!害得我把翻译的都删除了!!!幸好还能贴回来!!!不过你后面再加的也太长了! 我不管我不管!我是在你加30分要求翻译一段的时候翻译的!!!看在我又辛苦找回你又给你翻译的份上,加分~~~~~
It was the summer of 2002. Just as any other couples, we fell in love like the ways lovers do in old movies. She was a tremendous help to me. And at that time, all I wanted was to see her as soon as I woke up every day. She was the girl whom shared many of my first-time memories, the girl who called Zhe Yu...
The summer of 2004. A girl fell in love with me unexpectedly. She wasn't as gorgeous as a model, but she had the heart of an angel. Calm, gentle, and humble, she was a girl that kept giving instead of asking. I would undoubtedly choose her as my lifetime partner if I were to pick a woman to get married. The girl who called Qing Ge...
April 15th,2006, the day I met the girl whom I loved the most. I did not go home that night. I don’t know how to describe her. She was a bit naughty, a bit pretty, and a bit artistic. She liked to get up in the early morning and watched “Bai Jia Jiang Tan”; she liked to take the shower without body gel and shampoo; she liked my cooking even though it wasn’t that good; she liked to fold the clothes really tight, like the stores do…the girl who called Xiaomu Gu.
It snowed in Febuary 14th, 2007. The story in my life has moving forward dramatically. We started our relationship from online chatting. We shouldn’t start dating after all, especially when I was still mourning my old relationship. I broke her heart, even though I didn’t want to admit it because of my selfishness. She was cute, smart, and she had a rich past. I liked the way she kissed me on my lips’ I liked how she ran out in the middle of the night just to see me; I liked how adorable she looked when she sat in front of the computer and staring at the monitor. She was the first girl that I gave flower to, the girl who called Fengtong Zha…


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