


【求dearmtale(梦境传说)的my only wish歌词。中文和英文都有最好…】

Dreamtale - My Only Wish
Music: Kernen, Words: Tyni, M¤kinen
All is lost
There's nothing to gain
Time has gone
Nothing but pain
Dreaming of freedom, walking in the rain
In silent night I see all what's left
I end my life of hate and regret
My only wish is to live and forget
I give my life, I give up my soul
I have no fear, I have no place to go
I only wish to end this nightmare
I only want a way out from this life
There is nothing but grief in my heart
Only lonelyness by my side
Cold night out somewhere calls me quietly
Waiting for the miracle this pains adore
So give me way out fo this life
End this nightmare give me hope
Darkness embracing wintry eves falling
All in my burned cell I say you farewell

【梦境传说 Powerplay歌词】

May it be a star?
A shining gem cut from the purest of heart
To light the way out of the shadows and dark
A fraction of dream
A memory to shine forevermore
To enlighten like a beacon light in the night
In the dark of night
New beam of light
To guide and light the way in the dark
Feelings of supremacy
I feel my rage unchained
Make my song ring through air
Make it shine like the stars in the night
As I give it to all of you
Make my song known to all
As I shove my song right down to your throat
And I give you what you deserve
What is a star?
An image wrought by those who could care less
Projection of their sick misguided brains
What became a song?
Simplicity bled in the altar of stars
And forever I shall mourn for it's fate


这是芬兰交响力量金属乐队----Dreamtale(梦境传说)的首张专辑,交响力量金属乐近年来不可多见的传世佳作!气势恢弘的交响金属美学与彪悍狂放的力量金属美学的极致呈现!令我回味多年的甜蜜金属梦境!今天,在金属盛世音乐下载第二期里,把他推荐给所有喜欢此种类型的金属乐迷们,希望大家喜欢......... 乐队英文名:Dreamtale中文译名 梦境传说 乐队成员: Jarkko Ahola : 主唱 Turkka Vuorinen : 键盘手 Rami Ker?nen : 吉他手 Esa Orjatsalo : 吉他手 Pete Rosenbom : 鼓手 Pasi Ristolainen : 贝司手 详细 国籍:芬兰 1999年组建于芬兰 首曲"The Dawn"以明亮轻柔的键盘钢琴音色为引子贯穿全曲,配以壮阔的金属乐伴奏,似乎是电影情节里最重要的场面开场,又好像是梦回金属盛世的浩瀚梦境!这首曲子这正是改编自电影「The Rock」的主题曲配乐,百听不厌!接下来的"Memories Of Time"与"Refuge From Reality"以纯正的北欧的力量金属曲风迎面袭来,流畅悦耳的编曲架构,娴熟高超的器乐演奏,让整张作品透露着完美的影子。"Fallen Star"以键盘与鼓的过门开场,令人惊艳的美声女主唱与男主唱Tomi引吭高歌,将这张专辑的主题推向最热点!令人屏息的吉他SOLO,引人入胜的浩瀚音乐场景尽在这张2002年获得很多金属音乐网站9颗星评价的专辑里......虽然以后Dreamtale又出了很多专辑但是都没有这张好。。。




6种吧!!!分别是;长笛,小号, 吉他,架子鼓,长号, 铃鼓

标签: 梦境传说 亡灵序曲发行时间梦境传说into