



持续动力:玩家在游戏中,还需要一个不间断的动力不停的推动他继续游戏,这个就是持续动力。持续动力能让玩家继续一个游戏,如果没有了持续动力,玩家将会觉得游戏枯燥,无聊,从而停止游戏。一个悬念,一个优美的故事,一个目标都会诱发持续动力的产生。 压力:在动力的推动下,玩家不停的追寻着,不过,我们可不能让他一下就得到他想要的东西哦,在这之前,还要给他点调味剂,这个就是压力。没有了压力,一切就会索然无味,(哎,人就是这样一种奇怪的生物,太容易得到的东西往往会不懂得珍惜。:)什么会构成压力呢?RPG里不停被踩暴的“地雷”,网络游戏里不停刷出的怪物,被某个人或者某个怪物打败。一切的失败和无聊透顶的东西都会在游戏中产生压力。 压力的释放:啊….终于升级拉,终于找到宝物了,疑惑终于解开了,玩家积蓄的压力突然如潮水般的涌出,那个感觉就象多年的老便秘,终于那个啥了,实在是爽啊!(话糙理不糙^^)这个解脱,就是压力的释放。 以上是对动力,压力,压力的释放三者的一个诠释。综上,初始动力是决定玩家购买的因素,如果我们只想骗钱,那么只需要加大初始动力的投入就可以了,但如果我们不光只想骗一次钱,还想有二次,三次可以骗,那么就要做好游戏,则持续动力,压力,压力的释放三者也是缺一不可的,任何一个游戏只要缺少其中之一,必定不会成为好游戏! 反之,一个游戏要物有所值,物超所值,甚至成为经典,则一定要把握好三者之间的关系才行。那么,如何的关系才是最好的呢?一般来说,好的游戏三者间的关系是非常平衡的。因为动力(持续动力)过小,会让玩家觉得没有追求的价值,压力过大会让玩家感觉受不了而中途放弃,压力释放过快会觉得过于无聊,过慢会觉得压力过大。不过也有例外,比如GTA,则是做为一个充分释放人被压抑的破坏欲望的工具,对于此类游戏释放是应该大于压力的,因为它释放的乃是人自身所带的压力。 相信玩过网络游戏的大都会有这样的感受–怎么游戏总是没有结束的时候啊?不错,其实无限正是网络游戏的特点。在网络游戏中,其他的玩家充当了参照物,尽管玩家自身在不停的提升,但参照物也在不停的提升,所谓人比人比死人,这个就是网络游戏无限的原因了。所以,网络游戏中,是否有可以”打败“其他玩家的道具,比如,独一无二的道具,绚丽的装备,地位的差别等,及公平的游戏环境和有趣的游戏规则将是决定游戏是否成功的关键。 综上,我们可以看到,网络游戏模型与单机游戏模型最大的区别是有限与无限的区别或者说是参照物上的区别。所以,作为成功游戏的要素两者在侧重的点上会各有不同。关于网络游戏的成功的要素也有很多人认为应该是交互性强于单机游戏的缘故,所以设计时拼命的加入更多更多的交互,等游戏出来以后,却发现玩家并不喜欢。而且越拼命玩网络游戏的玩家反而越不愿意与其他玩家交互,这做如何解释呢?


Is feeling portrayal
2010 年 7 月 5 日 big Zhai Guanling County Kong Wuzhen compatriots mourn the victims of natural disasters big scene toger with relatives of the victims of the scene . 1.74 million tons of mudslides engulfed two villages in 99 of all live life and property, the victims gathered in mourning their loved ones with a heavy heart of the scene, tears, whispered conversation with. Want to know what they are talking it? No relatives at home, and property gone, heard of the bad news, they ed hardy shirt from a fainting Tiantadixian to wake up and face reality, no peace of mind began to rise is suffering badly. For centuries, the ancestral home of survival, just loud, after breaking the muffled, ed hardy shirtever lost in time and space. Debris Flow meters deep, the great mountain bend the scene repeated dozens of excavators around the clock deep plowing operation, more than 600 teams in the thunderstorm, in the sun, selfless commitment. Eventually found, but 42 remains beyond recognition. Accumulation of 100 m deep, the equivalent of 30 high-rise building debris field, missing 57 people, no longer hard to find the track. However, the victims have not been down this sudden tragedy. Grief, they wiped away tears, stand tall, bravely face the future! Nearly 80 years holding a walking stick the old Chow said: \digging out, that is, find the. dozens of layers deep in parts of the house, after these days, even if the find was elected, he can not recognize. Wher ye wish, there is no way,ed hardy shirt then coffee, Mama lost heart. there Government backing, we have to take to live! \A middle-aged women, two men from the arm to move between the probe of the probe head, side and seeing the old Zhou, attentively listened to. The old man said, the present Government, it may not say it! If there Which will lead to requirements, it is not a person. Would the government put you back in the back every day, not a?

can be seen from the photos, old Zhou standing sideways on the left oblique, is a mid-body near his sixti strong man, dressed in a gray fog shirts, trousers, under the one. His short brush-like flat head and gray beard, and quietly rolled down the cheeks do not know what sweat and tears, people feel the ups and downs with his inner strength to face the reality. Nail man on the left, then right hed hardy shirt holding a straw hat,ed hardy shirt Static Flower Street 35, left hand holding a bottle of mineral water, fat, middle-aged, white T-shirt pressed black pants, thick black stud flat head stood on end. Saw him grinding his te, locked eyebrow, silently watching old Zhou speak. He moved his lips, seemed to say soming, but ultimately said nothing. Fat man on the left, is a messy long hair, middle-aged man with the exposed face was dark gray T-shirt in his hands, and then to gray suit pants legs, showing is a black and red sun and rain. He breathed and watch old Chow. Cheeks bones kept creeping forward, then a crystal tear his eyes, suffered a further forbearance. Finally rolling to the ground, and dusty in the summer heat under the floor,ed hardy shirt after all, come to naught. In my imagination, he is the name of the village Party branch secretary of a large Zhai. Later on, after hearing a dozen workers from a distant land back to the young people, their eyes were also swollen and black. Their eyes covered with red bloodshot. See, they ed hardy shirt the victims in order to hear their loved ones waiting outside the warning line remains the news the past few days after the accident, they do not have slept in a stable feel. However, the Compassionate after them, did not fall. They stand in a queue in the relatives of the victims, strongly thinking about the future! Second row far left that wearing red pants, white shirt girl and that is fortunate enough to escape one of six children. According to the age-old one more boy, they play six of the hill and saw a small tree, to the settlement in place Suddenly, he realized the danger coming! Then shouted: \On with the other five children toger and out of danger zone! Successfully escape! Such a sensitive child survival and self-help spirit of the people whom the pain was a bit of welcome! Pigs in the name of Cen Chaoyang out who the villagers, eager to come when he realized that danger, they did not forget to send a signal to escape, I hope more people escape. However, unfortunately, all of them too late. And thereed hardy shirte lost their lives forever!

have an old couple, their daughter, a family of five people, all in the disaster lost their lives, and did not find the body. Because the lifetime of the old couple's honor, old man commoner hand pestle crutches, sat by the roadside, I heard it soon as the tears, inconsolable. Sentence blood, tears repeatedly. Flat bamboo basket and the lanky frame carrying his wife, crawling around in the mouth without te, hold hands, sit and look at their daughter's home once a daze.

a new marriage, with only 10 days to women about to give birth, go to the hospital because, in this disaster, the loss of her husband, after losing their parents, she was distraught. In order not to this world of small arms to life, her forbearance sad tears, the concern in many areas to a temporary settlement. Settlements and also to do as much work. In her view, successfully gave birth to children, parents and husband, the deceased in the greatest comfort.

mourning ceremony, the scene crying the most sad, is a gray-haired woman. From her tears, I know she lost her husbed hardy shirt, elderly ped hardy shirtnts lost their son a wife ... ...

tears shed tears seeing eye, heartbroken people who face heartbroken. Lead near the village folks, victims relatives, and comforting each other, to persuade the to encourage the.

condolences to the site, there are a lot of people put to the Xiangla spirit money, prepared after the memorial service, the traditional way, and pay homage to the tragic disaster relatives. Some journalists want to wait until this memorial scene. However, it was quietly persuaded that we should leave. Because of their memorial, they face the heart of the deceased loved ones to talk, do not want outsiders to know.

follow another interview, the relatives said the victims rebuild their homes, they do not want to place in the relentless ghost. Face to face this piece of utter prostration sadly. However, it was also reluctant to leave this place. Because there is not only faced with a rippling blue waves, the waters of the broad lake, and hills and high mountains pulse phase of the Department, the thick yellow earth, to grow green crops. This slope gently hilly, ed hardy shirt some though sparse, but without losing the tall trees. Away from the sad, the homeland Uned hardy shirtgettable Love. Once out, they fear that this massive natural disaster deplores the loss of loved ones, the soul will be Health and resentment. To go and stay in between, not only safety and risk considerations, there is a dilemma of love!






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