



使用者:Archer 卫宫士郎
弓冢五月死徒化后持有的固有结界能力。其能力如同「枯竭」之名一般,能让展开空间中的魔力开始迅速减少。类似远野秋叶的「掠夺」,不过这是对「世界本身」施展的攻击;另外,枯竭的魔力不会回归到弓冢五月身上,而是就这样消失。 对需要魔力来进行攻击的魔术师与需要魔力才能存在的精灵而言,像是天敌般的能力;但是对与世界切离的生物(如不使用魔力的人类)就没有太大的效果。
「―――Nobody lives.〈这里,没有生命。〉」
「There is no saving in the wide world.〈广阔的世界,无法拯救。〉」
「No beginning, and no ending.〈没有起始,也没有完结。〉」
「Filled with death, only destruction remained.〈满溢的死亡之中,残留的只有毁灭。〉」
「...Simply, everything withers and goes. 〈...只有,乾枯的万物。〉」
「There's nothing but one——〈存在於那边的,只有一个———〉 ”Dryness garden〈终结的世界〉〃」
使用者:黑翼公 葛兰索格・布拉克莫亚
那是覆盖天空的死羽之天幕,将月光与繁星吞食殆尽,绝对的、毫无一丝光明的「死之世界」。 「——当心了。 在吾之夜空中飞舞的鸟儿们,只会对亡者表露不敬——」
使用者:TYPE-Mercury ORT
令人感到厌恶却又异常美丽的异界景致,整个眼中只看到水晶占领的世界,类似固有结界的取代世界,其实却是比固有结界更恐怖的侵蚀世界,因此又被人称"侵蚀固有结界"。 由于ORT是外星的"侵略者"(invader),仅仅存在或移动就能改变周遭的地球环境与物理法则,使地球规则变成自己的"异星秩序"。 不幸中的大幸是目前天然呆的它因为提前行程到来而每天都在睡眠中,毫无侵略的打算,也才没使南美洲变水晶出产最大洲。
卫宫切嗣所持有的特化魔术。 若想将特定空间的时间加以操作,达成「过去化的停滞」、「未来化的快转」之类的「时间的调整」的话,属于固有结界的范围。而若想要达到「过去干涉」的「时间窜改」,则是属于魔法的范围。 卫宫家历代都以追求时间的操作为目标。以此所达到的成果就是切嗣背上的魔术刻印。切嗣再将结界所影响的范围缩小到自身,干涉的时间在数秒之内。藉以此将「世界的调整」对固有结界的干涉降到最低程度,使之成为能够在战场上实用的魔术。那就是固有时制御。而切嗣所能达到的成果就是「时间的调整」的程度,藉以回避敌人的攻击或制造自己攻击的机会。 然而,由于这项魔术所导致的反作用,会使得身体产生极大的负担。例如心律不整、呼吸异常或是体温骤变都是常见的反应。
使用者:白骑士 费纳·布拉德·斯菲尔丁
使用者:混沌 尼禄·卡奥斯
死徒二十七祖第十袓尼禄·卡奥斯固有结界,传授他这项能力的人是罗阿。通常存在时间极久的死徒,其肉体的修补速度会赶不上劣化的速度;除了藉由吸人血来取入遗传情报并巩固自身肉体外,也可利用将野兽补捉进自己肉体的方式修补肉体。尼禄可以用内部的六百六十六只野兽因子造出野兽,利用放出的野兽进行侦查、攻击,或是吞食人类。由于其存在有如宇宙最原始的混沌一样,因此尼禄将自己的内部称为创世之土。由于他自己已和野兽因子融合为一,所以放出的野兽也算是他身体的一部分,而不是使魔。 因为结界范围是自身和影子,所以不会受世界修正。
使用者:阿卡夏之蛇 米切尔·罗阿·法但杨
使用者:Len之镜像 White Len
使用者:恶梦的魔术师 茨比亚·艾尔特纳姆·奥贝隆
使用者:白色血姬 爱尔奎德·布朗奈斯塔德


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000B1200 Ale
000B1202 Beer
00037F7F Cheap Wine
000977E4 Cure for Vampirism
00033569 Cyrodilic Brandy
0004E93A Grand Elixir of Exploration
0003356A Hist Sap
00098309 Human Blood
000B1201 Mead
0004E938 Moderate Elixir of Exploration
000B1241 Newheim's Special Brew
0007BCC9 Philter of Frostward
0008DC5C Poison of Affliction
00009283 Poison of Apathy
000984A5 Poison of Burden
00009281 Poison of Catastrophe
0008DC58 Poison of Clumsiness
0008DC5E Poison of Confusion
00056E54 Poison of Cowardice
0000927D Poison of Debilitation
0008DC70 Poison of Fatigue
00009280 Poison of Feeblemind
00009285 Poison of Frailty
0008DC6D Poison of Fright
0000927C Poison of Fumbling
0008DC73 Poison of Illness
0008DC61 Poison of Misfortune
00009302 Poison of Paralysis
00009282 Poison of Repulsion
00009284 Poison of Separation
0008DC76 Poison of Severing
0000927F Poison of Sickness
00009320 Poison of Silence
0008DC67 Poison of Slowing
0008DC64 Poison of the Fool
0008DC6A Poison of Weakness
0000927E Poison of Weariness
00009321 Potion of Absorption
00098471 Potion of Agility
0009849B Potion of Alacrity
00009308 Potion of Antivenom
00088B1C Potion of Chameleon
0009849A Potion of Charisma
0000920E Potion of Cure Disease
0000922E Potion of Cure Paralysis
0000920F Potion of Cure Poison
00056E55 Potion of Dedication
000984A6 Potion of Detect Life
00009307 Potion of Disbelief
0000927B Potion of Dispel
00098472 Potion of Endurance
00098473 Potion of Fatigue
000092E6 Potion of Feather
000092E7 Potion of Fire Shield
00098494 Potion of Fortitude
00098498 Potion of Fortune
000092FE Potion of Frost Shield
00098493 Potion of Grace
00009309 Potion of Grounding
00098496 Potion of Healing
00098474 Potion of Health
00098497 Potion of Insight
00009305 Potion of Insulation
00098475 Potion of Intelligence
000092FF Potion of Invisibility
00009300 Potion of Light
00098476 Potion of Luck
00098477 Potion of Magicka
0009849C Potion of Might
00009301 Potion of Nighteye
00098478 Potion of Personality
00009303 Potion of Reflection
00009304 Potion of Resistance
00098495 Potion of Respite
000984A4 Potion of Seastride
00009AE3 Potion of Shock Shield
00098499 Potion of Sorcery
00098479 Potion of Speed
0009847A Potion of Strength
000984A3 Potion of the Sea
00009306 Potion of Warmth
00056E53 Potion of Willpower
000B97EA Rosorn Mead
00185DCD Shadowbanish Wine
0004E0A9 Skooma
0004E939 Strong Elixir of Exploration
0008DC5D Strong Poison of Affliction
0009846A Strong Poison of Apathy
0000920D Strong Poison of Burden
00098464 Strong Poison of Catastrophe
0008DC5A Strong Poison of Clumsiness
0008DC60 Strong Poison of Confusion
00056E56 Strong Poison of Cowardice
000984AC Strong Poison of Debilitation
0008DC72 Strong Poison of Fatigue
00098462 Strong Poison of Feeblemind
0009846C Strong Poison of Frailty
0008DC6F Strong Poison of Fright
000984AA Strong Poison of Fumbling
0008DC75 Strong Poison of Illness
0008DC63 Strong Poison of Misfortune
00098484 Strong Poison of Paralysis
00098468 Strong Poison of Repulsion
00098466 Strong Poison of Separation
0008DC78 Strong Poison of Severing
00098460 Strong Poison of Sickness
0009849E Strong Poison of Silence
0008DC69 Strong Poison of Slowing
0008DC66 Strong Poison of the Fool
0008DC6C Strong Poison of Weakness
000984AE Strong Poison of Weariness
000984A0 Strong Potion of Absorption
000092E9 Strong Potion of Agility
00009319 Strong Potion of Alacrity
00098490 Strong Potion of Antivenom
00088B1E Strong Potion of Chameleon
00009317 Strong Potion of Charisma
00056E58 Strong Potion of Dedication
00009230 Strong Potion of Detect Life
0009848E Strong Potion of Disbelief
000984A8 Strong Potion of Dispel
000092EB Strong Potion of Endurance
000092ED Strong Potion of Fatigue
0009846E Strong Potion of Feather
00098470 Strong Potion of Fire Shield
0000930D Strong Potion of Fortitude
00009315 Strong Potion of Fortune
0009847C Strong Potion of Frost Shield
0000930B Strong Potion of Grace
00098492 Strong Potion of Grounding
00009311 Strong Potion of Healing
000092EF Strong Potion of Health
00009313 Strong Potion of Insight
00098489 Strong Potion of Insulation
000092F1 Strong Potion of Intelligence
0009847E Strong Potion of Invisibility
00098480 Strong Potion of Light
000092F3 Strong Potion of Luck
000092F9 Strong Potion of Magicka
0000931D Strong Potion of Might
00098482 Strong Potion of Nighteye
000092F5 Strong Potion of Personality
00098486 Strong Potion of Reflection
00098488 Strong Potion of Resistance
0000930F Strong Potion of Respite
00009327 Strong Potion of Seastride
00009AE4 Strong Potion of Shock Shield
0000931B Strong Potion of Sorcery
000092F7 Strong Potion of Speed
000092FB Strong Potion of Strength
00009325 Strong Potion of the Sea
0009848C Strong Potion of Warmth
00056E57 Strong Potion of Willpower
00037F84 Surilie Brothers Vintage 399
00037F82 Surilie Brothers Vintage 415
00037F80 Surilie Brothers Wine
00037F7E Tamika Vintage 399
00037F83 Tamika Vintage 415
00037F81 Tamika's West Weald Wine
0018BD5A Turpentine
000CD2DB Turpentine
000CD2DC Turpentine
000CD2DD Turpentine
000CD2DE Turpentine
000CD2DF Turpentine
0004E937 Weak Elixir of Exploration
0008DC5B Weak Poison of Affliction
00098469 Weak Poison of Apathy
0000920C Weak Poison of Burden
00098463 Weak Poison of Catastrophe
0008DC59 Weak Poison of Clumsiness
0008DC5F Weak Poison of Confusion
00056E59 Weak Poison of Cowardice
000984AB Weak Poison of Debilitation
0008DC71 Weak Poison of Fatigue
00098461 Weak Poison of Feeblemind
0009846B Weak Poison of Frailty
0008DC6E Weak Poison of Fright
000984A9 Weak Poison of Fumbling
0008DC74 Weak Poison of Illness
0008DC62 Weak Poison of Misfortune
00098483 Weak Poison of Paralysis
00098467 Weak Poison of Repulsion
00098465 Weak Poison of Separation
0008DC77 Weak Poison of Severing
000984AF Weak Poison of Sickness
0009849D Weak Poison of Silence
0008DC68 Weak Poison of Slowing
0008DC65 Weak Poison of the Fool
0008DC6B Weak Poison of Weakness
000984AD Weak Poison of Weariness
0009849F Weak Potion of Absorption
000092E8 Weak Potion of Agility
00009318 Weak Potion of Alacrity
0009848F Weak Potion of Antivenom
00088B1D Weak Potion of Chameleon
00009316 Weak Potion of Charisma
00056E52 Weak Potion of Dedication
0000922F Weak Potion of Detect Life
0009848D Weak Potion of Disbelief
000984A7 Weak Potion of Dispel
000092EA Weak Potion of Endurance
000092EC Weak Potion of Fatigue
0009846D Weak Potion of Feather
0009846F Weak Potion of Fire Shield
0000930C Weak Potion of Fortitude
00009314 Weak Potion of Fortune
0009847B Weak Potion of Frost Shield
0000930A Weak Potion of Grace
00098491 Weak Potion of Grounding
00009310 Weak Potion of Healing
000092EE Weak Potion of Health
00009312 Weak Potion of Insight
0009848A Weak Potion of Insulation
000092F0 Weak Potion of Intelligence
0009847D Weak Potion of Invisibility
0009847F Weak Potion of Light
000092F2 Weak Potion of Luck
000092F8 Weak Potion of Magicka
0000931C Weak Potion of Might
00098481 Weak Potion of Nighteye
000092F4 Weak Potion of Personality
00098485 Weak Potion of Reflection
00098487 Weak Potion of Resistance
0000930E Weak Potion of Respite
00009326 Weak Potion of Seastride
00009AE0 Weak Potion of Shock Shield
0000931A Weak Potion of Sorcery
000092F6 Weak Potion of Speed
000092FA Weak Potion of Strength
00009324 Weak Potion of the Sea
0009848B Weak Potion of Warmth
00056E51 Weak Potion of Willpower




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