
【哈利波特7部 全集高清 英文配音 中文字幕】



As Lord Voldemort retrieves the Elder Wand from Albus Dumbledore's grave, Severus Snape has become Hogwarts' headmaster. Meanwhile, after burying Dobby, Harry Potter speaks with the goblin Griphook about breaking into Bellatrix Lestrange's vault at Gringotts bank, suspecting that a Horcrux may be hidden there. Griphook agrees to take Harry, Ron, and Hermione to the vault in exchange for the Sword of Gryffindor. Harry asks Ollivander, the wandmaker, to identify two wands they took from Malfoy Manor. Ollivander says they belonged to Bellatrix and Draco Malfoy, but Malfoy's wand has changed its allegiance to Harry.

At Bellatrix's vault, Harry discovers that the Horcrux is Helga Hufflepuff's Cup. He obtains the cup but Griphook takes the sword and abandons the trio, leaving them cornered by the alerted security. However, the three release the dragon guardian and flee. Harry has a vision of Voldemort killing goblins, including Griphook (the sword can be seen vanishing from his dead hands), and learns that the Dark Lord has discovered the theft. Harry also learns there is a Horcrux at Hogwarts, that is in some way related to Rowena Ravenclaw. The trio apparate into Hogsmeade, which sets off an alarm. They are rescued by Aberforth Dumbledore, who instructs a portrait of his younger sister, Ariana, to fetch Neville Longbottom, who leads the trio through a secret passageway into Hogwarts.

Snape hears of Harry's return and informs staff and students of the severe punishment for aiding Harry. Harry confronts Snape, who flees after Minerva McGonagall challenges him to a duel. McGonagall gathers the community of Hogwarts to prepare for battle. At Luna Lovegood's insistence, Harry speaks to Helena Ravenclaw's ghost. She reveals that Voldemort performed "dark magic" on her mother's diadem, which is in the Room of Requirement. Ron and Hermione go to the Chamber of Secrets, where Hermione destroys Helga Hufflepuff's Cup with a Basilisk fang. In the Room of Requirement, Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle and Blaise Zabini attack Harry, but Ron and Hermione intervene. Goyle casts a Fiendfyre curse and is burned to death, but Malfoy and Zabini are saved by the trio before destroying the Ravenclaw diadem. As the school is attacked by Voldemort's forces, Harry, during a trip into Voldemort's mind, realizes that his snake, Nagini, is the final Horcrux. After entering the boathouse, the trio witness Voldemort telling Snape that the Elder Wand cannot serve him until Snape dies, and has Nagini kill Snape. Before dying, Snape tells Harry to take his memories to the Pensieve. Meanwhile, in the battle, Fred, Remus, Tonks and Lavender are killed.

Harry learns from Snape's memories that Snape loved Harry's mother Lily. Following her death, Snape agreed with Dumbledore to protect Harry from Voldemort out of his love for Lily. He also learns that Dumbledore's death at Snape's hands was planned between them. Harry learns that he became a Horcrux when Voldemort originally failed to kill him and that he must die in order to destroy the piece of soul within him. Harry goes to die at the hands of Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, after being comforted by the appearance of his parents, Sirius and Remus with the Resurrection Stone. Voldemort casts the Killing Curse upon Harry, who finds himself in a strange limbo where Dumbledore's spirit meets him and explains that the part of Voldemort within Harry was killed by Voldemort's own curse. Harry decides to return to his body to face Voldermort for the final time.

Voldemort announces Harry's death to everyone at Hogwarts, and that anyone who defies him will be killed. As Neville gives a speech, Harry reveals that he is alive. Neville draws forth the Sword of Gryffindor from the Sorting Hat, and as Harry and Voldemort duel across the school, Neville decapitates Nagini, leaving Voldemort mortal. During this time, Molly Weasley disarms and kills Bellatrix. Voldemort is killed as the Elder Wand returns to Harry. After the battle, Harry explains that the Elder Wand had recognised him as its master because he had disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor, who in turn had disarmed its previous owner, Dumbledore. Harry snaps the Elder Wand, rejecting its power.

Nineteen years later, Harry and Ginny Potter, along with Ron and Hermione Weasley, watch proudly as their children leave for Hogwarts from King's Cross station.

【哈利波特1-7的 高清BT种子 英文原版英文字幕的 要是有哈7下更好】

你得采用催眠的方法 还有暗示
其次 你的能力必须得是 电击使 (很稀有的能力哦)
每天你得摄入足够多的卡路里 否则无法产生生物电
还有 你要练习抛硬币。。。否则容易对身体造成损伤
而且。。。最重要的是 要好好锻炼身体 去承受后坐力。。。。 你对硬币做工 硬币也会对你做功的哦!

【哈利波特与死亡圣器(下) 高清 中英文字幕】


【哈利波特1-7 中文完整版】

撞击 1级 物理攻击,威力35
鸣叫 5级 属性攻击,100%改变对方攻击-1
电光火石 9级 物理攻击,威力40,无视对方速度
诱惑 13级 属性攻击,100%改变对方命中等级-1
飞翼拍击 16级 物理攻击,威力60
魅惑 19级 属性攻击,100%改变对方命中等级-2
20级闪光比波 手下留情 22级 物理攻击,伤害大于对方HP时,会余下1体力
同生共死 26级 物理攻击,将对方体力减到和自己相同
吹飞 29级 属性攻击,100%改变对方速度等级-1
燕返 32级 物理攻击,威力60
峰回路转 35级 物理攻击,威力随机,范围50~150
突进 38级 物理攻击,威力90,对方所受伤害1/4反弹给自身
40级闪光波克尔 全力一击 41级 物理攻击,威力120
千里追击 45级 物理攻击,不是先制技能
高速移动 50级 属性攻击,100%改变自身速度等级2。
猛禽 55级 物理攻击,威力120,对方所受伤害1/4反弹给自身
红韵 60级 属性攻击,100%改变自身攻击、防御、特防等级1
挥翼飘舞 67级 物理攻击,威力130

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