





Of Legends (League) is developed by the United States Games Riot, Tencent game operations of the new hero of war games. The creative team of the League of legends by the well-known game company's core art, planning, program personnel composition, they create the hero of the game in the style characteristics of different, more abundant goods synthesis system, map gameplay, ladder matching mechanism is added, and original "call" division skills, runes, the combination of talents, so that players do not feel the same hero of war games.
In the game, players will play a call, and choose your trust in the League of nations to enter the field of justice, in order to control the rights of Varro and fight. There is only one rule in this league: the winner is everything!
英雄联盟(League of Legends)是由美国Riot Games开发,腾讯游戏运营的全新英雄对战网游。英雄联盟的主创团队由各著名游戏公司的核心美术、策划、程序人员组成,他们打造了游戏中风格特色各异的英雄,加入更加丰富的物品合成系统、地图玩法、天梯匹配机制,以及独创的“召唤师”技能、符文、天赋组合,让玩家感受不一样的英雄对战网游。


打开QQ飞车 登陆界面 你可以在上方找到一个道聚城


要国服配音版。比如,谁看见了我的小熊! 德玛西亚人是永远不会退缩的!。。。。答得全面加分!


  1. 鼠标右键:英雄移动;

  2. A :移动攻击,单击A,再鼠标左键选定目标。若选定地点,则英雄会在移动到该地点过程中自动攻击敌方单位;若选定单位,则英雄会移动并攻击该单位;

  3. Q / W / E / R :英雄技能施放;

  4. D / F:召唤师技能施放;

  5. 1—6:使用物品栏内对应格的物品;

  6. B :回程;

  7. Y:锁定/解除锁定视角;

  8. H:英雄驻留,使英雄保持原地不动;

  9. S:停止,停止当前的动作;

  10. ALT+右键: 移动宠物;

  11. G / ALT+左键点击地图:发送地图警报命令;

  12. ALT+Q / W / E / R:对应技能升级;

  13. O / TAB:打开记分板;

  14. P:打开商店界面;

  15. Z:显示聊天记录;

  16. C:打开英雄属性界面;

  17. ESC:打开游戏菜单。