






【王者荣耀单机版 thunder】

Lord Of The Thunder
Born in the time of darkness and evil under the sign of God
诞生于黑暗邪恶之中 匿藏于上帝的视线之外
glory\\'s my mother fire\\'s my brother sword my holy law
使我母亲引以为荣 点燃我哥哥的利剑 刺穿我神圣信仰
Into the land of chaos and hate there is no place for me
踏入了一片混沌之境 厌恶这里没有我的容身之所
and for the conquest of justice and honour I will use my steel
为了征服这正义和荣耀 我将让我钢铁般
Holy flame burn again for eternity burn my heart to win
圣神的火焰再次燃烧 为了永恒 为了胜利 再次点燃我的心
the holy war is awaiting another fiery king
Rage in my heart crossing the forest riding my black horse
义愤填膺 我骑着我的黑马飞驰过森林
across the valley along the river where the hot blood flows
穿过村庄 沿着鲜血逆流而成的长河
Over the lakes and over the hills I follow the call of the wind
跋山涉水 我追寻着风的呼唤
uphold the legend and for my princess I will fight and win
演绎者我的传说 为了我的公主 我会战斗并且取胜
Holy flame burn again for eternity burn my heart to win
圣神的火焰再次燃烧 为了永恒 为了胜利 再次点燃我的心
the holy war is awaiting another fiery king
Lord of the thunder please be my guide
雷电之神 请指引着我
before and after my last ride
I\\'ll be your soldier serving the light
我会成为你的骑士 高举着圣火
riding forever alive and proud
永远战斗 存活着 骄傲着
Holy flame burn again for eternity burn my heart to win
圣神的火焰再次燃烧 为了永恒 为了胜利 再次点燃我的心
the holy war is awaiting another fiery king
Lord of the thunder please be my guide
雷电之神 请指引着我
before and after my last ride
I\\'ll be your soldier serving the light
riding forever alive and proud
永远战斗 存活着 骄傲着
去听了下这歌 有够激情的
(有点像huggard 的awaking the century的感觉)

【跪求 王者荣耀破解版】




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