

全身水晶闪耀着黄色的光辉。首先从自身头部,双臂和胸口处向天空中释放闪电能量产生乌云,之后集中乌云中闪电的能量,然后用左手稳定能量,并用右手放出聚集的电击对目标造成强大的电击伤害 。 银河火球
全身的水晶发出红色的光辉,并燃烧着火焰,生成数个火球。周围被火球围绕着,蓄力再由右拳向前,周围的火焰球就迅速向前飞进,造成高热度多范围的巨大伤害 。 银河之剑
全身的水晶闪着蓝色的光辉,从右腕的水晶中伸出银色的巨剑,蓄力地向地上砍去,使地面裂开,在敌人位置喷出岩浆,造成巨大的伤害;也可以直接将剑作为近身格斗武器。可以进行斩击 。 银河慰藉
全身的水晶发出绿色的光芒,将绿色光芒汇集到右手,形成绿色的感化能量,然后让光芒飞到怪兽上空缓缓落下,使怪兽沐浴在光芒中利用光的力量使怪兽变回人偶形态,且不会对怪兽和实体化成怪兽的人造成伤害。此技能还具有疗伤的功能,在2013年奥特曼嘉年华的舞台剧中对赛罗奥特曼使用过 。 银河切割
全身水晶发出强烈的紫色光芒,将能量聚集到头部,从头部发出深邃的紫色光刀,与维克特利轰爆的力量相当,可以自由控制长度和时间 。 银河十字射击
银河奥特曼最常用的光线技,也是银河奥特曼的必杀技。全身的蓝色水晶发出耀眼的光芒。手腕在身体前方交叉,双臂画弧线状挥动至水平,最后将双臂摆成L型,从右手手臂发出必杀光线,给予敌人致命伤害。也可省略蓄能动作直接发射,威力稍低。曾用此招击败多个敌人 。 银河日光
全身水晶发出粉红色的光芒,将能量汇聚到双手手臂,从双手发出金黄色的强力光线,用强大的光之能量将黑暗焚烧殆尽。可将古兰特王秒杀 。 银河ESPECIALLY
又名银河特殊光弹,银河奥特曼的最终必杀技。水晶发出强烈的七色光芒,聚集所有的力量,从全身持续发射银河般的强力光弹。用全身力量可发出多排多个极速光弹,第11集就用这招打败了黑暗路基艾尔 。 暂无名称
把水晶的能量集合于腿部,奔跑并跃起,使出强力飞踢 。 暂无名称
把水晶的能量集合于拳头,向敌人的弱点使出猛烈的冲拳 。  暂无名称
双臂往后摆,以超越喷气式战斗机的速度在空中飞行,甚至伴随音爆现象的产生 。 银河火花枪
银河奥特曼的武器,由银河火花变形而成,散发着蓝色的光辉。模样跟银河火花一样。有强大攻击力 。 暂无名称
用手档在身前,产生出一个星系状的屏障,可以挡住对手的攻击;也可将攻击连同屏障一起扔回给对手,造成伤害 。 物理穿透
拳头能够穿透固体到达物体的内部,收回拳头后,并不会对其造成破坏 。 分身能力
制造大量分身,包围并迷惑对手。也可进行攻击 。 高速移动
身体化作蓝色光团,散发蓝色火焰。以极高的速度移动,向着对手冲击,到了极限的时候可以达到瞬间移动的效果 。
》 意识传输
通过从计时器发出的光束,把变身者的意识传输到其他人的意识中。在变身者的意识回归银河体内前,银河的身体无法活动 。 银河斯特流姆
银河奥特曼S中登场的银河的新形态。身高可以从微型——无限大,体重可以用0——无限大,银河获得了由泰罗奥特曼的人偶变成的斯托流姆手镯,与银河火花的力量结合,诞生银河奥特曼的新形态——银河奥特曼斯托流姆,身体出现了与泰罗奥特曼相似的特征,如头灯、胸甲、花纹等,并且能使用奥特六兄弟的光线技能,其发动方式和发动部位也与奥特六兄弟相同。还可结合奥特六兄弟力量发出宇宙奇迹ESPECLALLY 。 光线技能技能来源图片介绍M87光线(M87光线/M87 Ray)
Z光线(Z光线/Z Ray) 佐菲·奥特曼 斯佩修姆光线
八分光轮 宇宙英雄·奥特曼 艾梅利姆光线
集束射击 赛文·奥特曼 奥特射线
奥特屏障 杰克·奥特曼  梅塔利姆光线
冲击镭射 艾斯·奥特曼 斯托流姆光线
蓝色激光 泰罗·奥特曼 宇宙奇迹光线 奥特六兄弟 宇宙奇迹ESPECIALLY
银河全能量加上奥特兄弟全能量合为一体的必杀技,威力更胜银河ESPECIALLY。 银河火花
光之国传说中的两个神秘道具之一,是与黑暗火花对立的存在。泰罗称之为“解开黑暗诅咒的唯一希望”。使用方法为:持有者把奥特曼或怪兽的人偶进行实体化,实体化时发出“超实体化+被实体化对象的名字”的声音,实体化后在内部控制其行动 。 银河亮光火花
大量的银河亮光火花共同作用,不能使无法被银河火花生命化的泰罗奥特曼人偶生命化,但是因为有许多人的希望之光,所以可以生命化。并且可以实体化怪兽,银河奥特曼中使用 。 斯托流姆手镯
由泰罗奥特曼的火花人偶变形而成,表面有着泰罗奥特曼的面孔和奥特六兄弟的头像。手镯戴在左手。使用银河火花与之结合,即可变身成为银河奥特曼斯特利姆。转动头像可使用奥特六兄弟能量。现因泰罗离开而消失 。










For wear Anna, the different person has the different viewpoint, a does own the unfaithful to ruler woman of numerous lovers?A does fall overboard for the kind the human life angel?Still a civilian's king's 妃 for presuming breaking imperial house's monastic rules regulations?In her pass away tenth the day of anniversarieses she have no again and can avoid of is mentioned people visual field.
Also played a count for much role in her perfect aureole gradually 褪 went to of time, people at the time of evaluating her start knew, DIANA at demolish own process today.
" they kissed!The prince kissed the ash miss!" July 29 of 1981, several person's witness of hundred millions a the wedding of world for costing 2,000,000th.DIANA drive 伊莉莎 white two daughter-in-law whom a life times personally choose, but their rift was very quick and then appeared.The DIANA do not love the personality that suffer restrains out of accordance with royal house basically.When the detection checks the 尔斯 to pull to have connection again with the card rice, she resemble the lion that a head of get mad.Behind she choose the horsemanship coach acts for the husband, combining to start the philanthropic work.This made a mighty backing for her, England is to common people of the whole world.The still less is a DIANA, is a DIANA to completed the dream of CINDERELLA for each woman, ising to experience the such turns and twists with the drama DIANA.They constitute a mighty public opinion rebuke power to checking the 尔斯 , pulling to the down to date card rice, to the royal house of England.
100 last people of the ten million celebrate her with every kind of way, but I feel her and unqualified such the lofty laudation loves with the 宠 .In fact I am always hard to make to understand this is why.Because she gifted noble again close the people's qualities?The belief does not lack this kind of beautiful woman in the world.Because the marriage that she is unfortunate?Herself good elephant too is not what peaceful type,9 lovers, although that is the husband to derail first.Presume the imperial house who resist the ultra conservative no one's feeling mood in England?Apparently do too and not successful with brilliant.Make the kind person in the world so many, the peaceful and lucky the benefit of 娜茱 is not usually at Africa and amounts who fall behinds the war chaotic country house take does the heart of the earnestness walk into native people?And as early as she get married into the hour of imperial house her and then should thought of the last symbol that be used as the gentleman spirit of England, the life that she is from now on under the magnifier will put necessarily or gold silk birdcage.But she chose this road since, should is responsible for to own choice.Who can settle her the at that time inclination toward vanity?Or does this synthesize allly?Probably and more possible of is, she was born in a need like this a typical model, like this a kind of spirit the times of power, and also is to say that living to meet its hour.Hence she a symbol, a marking, drive apotheosis, were held too great.Is some degrees to revolt after ascending had a little similarly in the 韩 coldly was used as 80 does the 觉 that representative or Lee 宇 springs of the generation represent grass a stratum ego consciousness come to?Each ages needs a lets out affectively.
People need an angel, even the myth falls through, people also will guard it unprogressively.Though have a liking for sometimes to have a little the blindness with deceive yourself as well as others.
Certainly this is just my viewpoint.Also have no the denial DIANA usually intention of the merit.Ignore to how say, the DIANA is a tragedy, should no one can negate of.

标签: 奥特曼宇宙英雄修改战力教程 赛迦奥特曼奥特曼宇宙英雄正版