

龙腾世纪:起源-觉醒 年度完美收藏中文版,我下的就是这个


Yak, wild or domesticated Tibetan ox native to the high plateaus and mountains of Central Asia, where the climate is cold and dry. The wild yak, considered to be an endangered species, is a massive animal, blanketed with a thick coat of long, blackish-brown hair. The males, which are larger than the females, may be more than 2 m (more than 6.6 ft) high at the shoulder and weigh up to 1000 kg (up to 2200 lb). The back of the yak is humped at the shoulders. The horns are long and spread outward and upward, and the tail is long-haired and bushy.
The domestic yak is of various colors, including red, brown, black, and white, and of smaller size than the wild animal as a result of crossbreeding with cattle. Yaks are valuable as beasts of burden. Their milk is rich and yields excellent butter and curd, and the flesh, eaten roasted or dried, is of high quality. The hair is spun into rope and woven into cloth, and the hide is used for leather. Instead of lowing like an ox, the yak utters a low, guttural sound; hence it is called the grunting cow, or grunting ox.
Scientific classification: The yak belongs to the family Bovidae of the order Artiodactyla. It is classified as Bos grunniens.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® Encyclopedia 2003. © 1993-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

【龙腾世纪:起源(Dragon Age Origins) 年度典藏版官方权威指南攻略本用什么程序打开?】

2、龙腾世纪起源汉化补丁 放在我的文档\BioWare\Dragon Age ,是指
再打开我的文档\BioWare\Dragon Age ,打开后与你解压缩的汉化包文件夹对比一下,看一下是否有重名的文件,有重名的话可以直接拷贝到 我的文档\BioWare\Dragon Age里,如果那个解压缩后的汉化包文件夹是单独的文件夹,则需要打开这个文件夹再拷贝到 我的文档\BioWare\Dragon Age里。


我笔记本:512内存 显卡7300GT 都轻松带起实况10


下个中文补丁, http://dl.3dmgame.com/SoftView.asp?SoftID=10946 然后可能在DRAGONAGE LAUNCHER.EXE那个设置里选择语言为中文 说话是不可能汉化的。。。

【谁有天邈汉化的, 龙腾世纪起源的 终极汉化补丁!!!! 给我一个!】

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